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MOBILE VOTING via Text Message!

SMS Voting is one of the most commonly used features of Alert 7 Mobile's mobile text messaging solutions. It's easy to use, quick to get setup, and has become very popular because of the many television and radio stations that have been utilizing this technology for years.

Alert 7 Mobile's Mobile Voting Service enables you to create all types of fun and engaging SMS votes and polls. As people vote via text messaging, every vote is categorized and automatically tallied so that it's really easy for you to see and analyze the results.
Alert 7 Mobile's Mobile Voting Service allows you to ask a multiple choice question with up to TEN choices. All people need to do to participate in the mobile vote is to text your Mobile Keyword to 96362. They will then immediately receive back a text message that's customized by you with all the choices they can vote for. They simply need to reply back with just the number that's tied to the choice, and that's it!
Alert 7 Mobile will make sure to record every vote and reply message, and every mobile number that participates in the vote is captured in your personal database so that you can also text the voters in the future. Alert 7 Mobile's voting module ensures that each mobile phone can only vote one time keeping things fair and simple.

How it works

Here are some voting ideas:

  • A musician, band, or radio station that wants people to vote for their favorite song.
  • A retail store that wants to ask its customers what their favorite brands are..
  • A church that wants to ask its congregation what they want to do this Sunday after church.
  • A sports league or team that wants to ask their fans to vote for their favorite player or game MVP
  • A restaurant that wants its customers to vote for which entrĂ©e or dessert they like the most.
  • A bar, club, or DJ that wants to asks the crowd which song they want to hear next.
  • Or anything you can think of - the possibilities are endless!!